How does someone pay their bills after a Wisconsin crash?

Even moderate injuries from a car crash can make people incredibly anxious. They may need emergency medical care and could miss a lot of work while they recover. Broken bones and soft tissue injuries will probably not lead to lasting medical issues, but they can lead to tens of thousands of dollars in medical expenses and keep someone from going to work for weeks or a few months.

It is only natural for people to worry about how they will pay their mortgage and buy groceries when their income stream suddenly comes to a halt and they simultaneously find themselves facing a huge stack of bills. Drivers in Wisconsin do have an obligation to carry insurance, and the policy of a motorist who causes the wreck will typically reimburse those who are coping with a damaged vehicle and serious physical injuries. How much can someone expect insurance to cover after a crash?

Policy limits determine the coverage available

Every driver should carry the insurance mandated under Wisconsin state law, and then they have the option of paying for more coverage for their own protection. The rules in Wisconsin require $10,000 in property damage coverage to help someone repair their vehicle.

People also need bodily injury liability coverage, but there are two different amounts of coverage required. A driver needs to carry at least $20,000 of protection to reimburse a single person and $40,000 of coverage per crash when multiple people get hurt. The policy limits are absolute, which means that even when someone has expenses far beyond those amounts, the insurance company will not pay anything additional.

Major crashes often lead to court

Given that there are strict limits on what insurance will pay, those coping with serious injuries after a collision often need to consider going to civil court. A personal injury claim against someone who is negligent while driving or who broke the law might result in full compensation for the people affected instead of partial repayment as is often the case when someone relies only on insurance coverage.

Exploring compensation options will benefit those who need to cover their costs after a recent Wisconsin car wreck. Seeking legal guidance can be helpful, as an individual’s options will differ depending upon the unique circumstances that led to their injurious crash.

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