Will the driver who wrecked your motorcycle pay to replace it?

Motorcycle collisions are often unfairly lopsided, with the rider of a motorcycle often having the worst outcomes and highest costs. Even though motorcycle riders often have more training and are usually very cautious on the road, they can end up severely hurt and even unable to work because of a crash caused by someone else….

A car accident with a larger vehicle can cause hidden injuries

When it comes to car accidents, the laws of physics usually put small cars at a disadvantage, favoring big ones. With that said, car accidents with a larger car can cause catastrophic injuries, some of which might be immediately evident, while others may take longer to become apparent. Since hidden injuries can be substantial and…

How does someone pay their bills after a Wisconsin crash?

Even moderate injuries from a car crash can make people incredibly anxious. They may need emergency medical care and could miss a lot of work while they recover. Broken bones and soft tissue injuries will probably not lead to lasting medical issues, but they can lead to tens of thousands of dollars in medical expenses…

5 ways to reduce accidents from an aggressive driver

Aggressive driving is not only dangerous to the driver but also to anyone around them. You may, unfortunately, find yourself side-by-side with an aggressive driver. You may not realize it at first until they start yelling, honking their horn, shouting obscenities and tail-gating or brake-checking. This can happen to just about anyone, but often happens…